I truly am a certified, bonafide, Class A dumbass. Part of me rejoices in the fact no one reads this blog except my multiple personalities who incessantly nag on my short-comings and misgivings on the current going-on within the gaming universe. I blame my lack of Twitter functionality.
Why am I degrading myself, you ask? Yes, indeed, there's a Tomb Raider collector's edition that I didn't know about until an hour ago. Please excuse me while I do to myself what Stewie did to Brian. Keep in mind, I bought the Colonial Marines collector's edition over the f*cking Tomb Raider collector's edition.
I should've seen this coming.
Needless to say, I cried a bit on the inside when my mates at Gamestop gave me the no-go on the above pre-order AND the news that my God of War: Ascension pre-order was for the standard when I swear to Chuck Norris mine was for the collector's. Today has been a great defeat for the Jonesian Empire and an even greater folly for The Late Duck.
I can, however, say this much for the recently released games. Crysis 3's multiplayer really isn't that bad. It's not ground-breaking in the least, but still somewhat entertaining. I've never been much into Metal Gear, so Revengeance wasn't on my radar. IGN did give Tomb Raider a 9.2, I believe, so if you're in need for a new action-adventure that has the qualities of Uncharted, then pick it up this coming Tuesday, 5 March. If I happen to come across the game by that time (Chuck Norris willing), then expect a review by next week's end.
I solemnly swear The Late Duck will never miss a beat again. Stay tuned for next time's greatest hit!