04 August 2013

TARDIS: Pilot Twelve

I'm behind on a laundry list of items: comics, movie reviews, television, and so on. A sea of entertainment finds me in a perpetual state of drowning. New comic book day rolls around with stacks upon stacks of unread comics to my name. A week passes after a movie releases and still no review. Another television show boots up and, before I know it, five years and four seasons have passed. Alas, someone as far behind as I can still find a way to catch up. 

Similar to Scott Pilgrim and me three years ago, I have one goal with Doctor Who: to get as many people away from tiring bullshit such as True Blood and Game of Thrones and have them watch Doctor Who over and over and over and over and over again until they realize there's another Whoville. I finally know enough on the TARDIS to have had myself glued to the BBC earlier today as they answered that great question once again: Doctor WHO?

If you're like me, then the below won't surprise you. In the event work got you down or a significant other not realizing what an important day today was for Whovians, then you're in for a treat. Without further delay, here he is. The actor we've been wondering for many a months. 

The Twelfth Doctor 
Peter Capaldi in what I hope won't be his permanent outfit 

I kid, I kid, I'm not that daft. The BBC announced at 7PM London time that Peter Capaldi will take over Doctor duties once Matt Smith departs after the Christmas Special later this year. He's been in a few films that people on the other side of the Great Salty Pond might know before us Yanks. You'll notice him as one of the research scientists in World War Z, The Fires of Pompeii (Series 4, DW), and Torchwood. I'm a huge Tennant fan. He's my definitive Doctor without question. Matt Smith has been absolutely fantastic. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill helped shape his Eleventh Doctor into a fun and enjoyable experience just as Billie Piper did with Tennant and Eccleston. 

Now we're on the matter of the newest incarnation. Do realize that once Capaldi's Twelfth regenerates into the thirteenth and final, then that's it for the entire series. I only hope they pull at least ten more years. Four with Capaldi plus a year's worth of specials and then the last five with a ginger. 

Choosing his companion will be the next interesting reveal. Whoever they choose, he/she can't be any worse than Donna f*cking Noble. Hearing Catherine Tate's voice makes me want to shove my head in the sand. And, seriously, where the hell are her eyebrows? Creeeeeeeeeepy. 

I downed half a bottle of Nyquill, so I'm fading fast. Friday before last, 26 July, The Wolverine slashed onto the silver screen. Everyone I know gave the film top marks. I'm playing devil's advocate just to say I wanted more old school Wolverine with blood everywhere. I mean gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons--and a pint--of blood. I want to see the Hulk rip Weapon X in half. I want Wolverine to crawl in writhing agony to fetch his lower half five miles away. Yes, it's understandable why this won't happen. A) Twentieth Century Fox sucks at comic book movies B) Repeat of A C) Repeat of A and B D) Mass audience appeal

My answer to that: 

Jamie Foxx makes a damn fine point and that easily applies to Wolverine. Oh, you don't want to be a monster anymore? F*ck you, Logan. You're the walking apocalypse! LIVE UP TO YOUR LEGEND AND BERSERK! BERSERK THE F*CK OUT OF THESE ASSHOLES! Don't just be Stabby McStabberton. Be the guy cigar chomping, whiskey drinking bad-ass that I saw oh-so-briefly in X-Men. 

In regards to The Wolverine, here's my short-and-sweet review: 

Flashback to Nagasaki circa 1945

Atomic bomb goes off

Wolverine saves Japanese dude

Years later, a bear dies 

Japanese dude says "Thanks for saving me"

He has a hot daughter

Wolverine loses mutation

"This shit hurts now"

Bullet train fight scene

"This shit's bleeding now"

Wolverine bangs hot asian chick

"This shit's healing now"

Mutation back

Old Japanese dude is Silver Samurai

Fight scene

Wolverine loses claws

Grows back bone claws

Kills S.S. 

At airport

"Holy shit, Trask Industries, Magneto, and..............PROFESSOR XAVIER!!!!"

My reaction: Meh, post-credit scene was legit. 

Don't get me wrong. I liked The Wolverine in the defense that it was better than X3 and Origins by a hundred miles. I wanted more berserker mode. That's all. I leave the film to your judgment, but say this: fifty cent Tuesday at the Dollar Theatre. 

In video game news, Martian Manhunter went onto the Injustice Hero Roster back on Tuesday. 

He's alright. Not sure on the $4.99 tag, though

I finally downloaded The Walking Dead: 400 Days expansion of which I enjoyed. It's short-and-sweet while still delivering on the tailored-game idea. However, not so much on emotionally attaching you to anyone specific. 

Bioshock: Infinite is finally allowing gamers to cash in on their Season Pass purchase with challenge maps and a bit of content set the night before the Fall of Rapture taking control of both Booker and Elizabeth/Anna (whoever you want to call her). It's a noir-theme with Elizabeth's taking on a more survival-horror aspect. Looks great, sounds even better. Can't wait to play. 

Notice Episode One. Ken Levine promised "more on the way"

I'm starting to feel like Jayne Cobb after Simon doped him on sedatives. Everything's all........bendy. 

Be sure to come on by here again later in the week as we get closer to Elysium's release and Kick Ass 2 a week later. I bow out here or, more specifically, pass out until I realize the computer table isn't a bed.

I have a blue robe while you still don't. What color will yours be? 

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