03 June 2012


I really don't care if I used one too many ellipses in the title. My writing instructor this past semester demanded we hold an entire discussion over the subject for half the damned class. Lesson learned? 

Huh? What the f*ck are ellipses? Those little dots you occasionally put at the end of a sentence or word to either represent mystery, suspense, anticipation, or a prolonged thought. That remains my definition. Lesson unlearned. 

Work has recently become a deep thorn in my side. Usual results from slaving away at an unidentified hell-hole produce massive amounts of fatigue which, as you can guess, hinder the frequency of postings from appearing on a certain unread or (if my optimism ever kicks in) slightly read blog. Serving as a mini-rant, I dislike my current employ. Should unnamed managers or potential employers ever see this particular entry, be honest with yourself. Place yourself in the shoes of a near-college graduate who only wants a job where pain isn't the number one sensation coursing throughout his body. I listen to unnamed customers constantly bitch, moan, and complain about certain return policies or fine-print material they neglected to examine. I am constantly forced to witness the verbal demise of a language so desperately in need of rescue (English). Pardon me, ma'am, but the correct phrase would be "The device I currently possess DOES NOT work" and, most certainly, not "It don't work no more". You do not say "I didn't break nothing on it. It just breaked". Notice the use of double negatives and improper usage of the past tense. Elementary grammar! ELEMENTARY! Public education was provided free of charge for a reason. 

Or, this entire paragraph can be summarized with "Sigh....." 

Current generation audiences, please, please, please read to your kids. Read to your grandchildren. If you're lucky enough, read to your great-grandchildren. Involve the youth with literature early on and I guarantee they will be successful. Read funny stories, read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Plato, Aristotle, Hemingway, Grahame-Smith, Austen, Dostoevsky, Hawthorne, Shelley, Burns, I don't care! Just, for the love of the human race, read until your eyes bleed like I have! Okay, not really, but a commendable amount, at the least. 

So, with that rant and the bleeding eyes, I leave you with another dose of what DO you do with a BA in English. #122- Go to your local library and sign up for summer reading programs. Help a kid read and help yourself learn. 

Jonesy signing off. 

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