It's that glorious time of year again. My last time going through the rigors of college. While the semester may gain the majority of my already short attention span, this does not mean further neglect to those out there reading whatever I ramble. Classes, for the most part, are pretty heavy this round and ich muss mein Deutsch studieren, but there might just be time for Borderlands 2, Resident Evil Six, Dishonored, and especially Assassin's Creed III with Dredd hitting theatres in the mix of things.
For now, though, bare with the delayed posts, the assumed forgetfulness, and supposed disregard to my blogging duties. Upon successful completion of my BA, this blog will rocket higher than a V2.
As each game releases, I'll have my first thoughts posted, then an in-progress review, followed by a full-circle evaluation. Pictures of the collector's edition swag might find their way into the mix.
Random note: Pick up Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe and the new Gambit series. Also, Before the Watchmen recently included Rorschach to the issues. From my knowledge, he's up to just one as of now.
Jonesy signing off with a customary rule- #51: Cherish each semester that you don't face down thirty term papers. Enjoy those times.
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