27 January 2013

These Games Four

Whoever thought working through a backlog of video games would be such a chore? Last semester truly caused me to miss nearly every new release from August to December. I mean, you're talking to the guy who finally picked up both the Back to the Future game and Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect 3, mind you, a game that came out nearly a year ago. With BoF having a release date of almost two years ago, let this be a stern reminder of the name of this blog. Indeed, it's another installment of The Late Duck with your stalwart host, Jonesy. Or is it Crash? I have yet decided on an official moniker for the Interwebs. As I'm still (most likely) just writing for myself and any possible future employers, inserting a poll for the decision-to-be-made is moot. Anyway........onward!

Apart from the games listed above, I recently acquired two downloads from PSN's "13 for '13" sale. Most of the selections are a 'meh' rating, but The Unfinished Swan and Warp took my interest by storm. For those who've heard of either, you also know these games are incredible. The Unfinished Swan puts you behind the view of Monroe, a young boy left orphaned by the death of his artistic mother. She left three-hundred paintings unfinished. Monroe is given the choice to take one painting with him to the orphanage. He chooses the unfinished swan, both his and his mother's favorite. A mysterious door appears which takes Monroe on a wild and rather intriguing adventure through his mother's unfinished artwork. The game is Move compatible, so if you have the technology, I highly recommend picking this one up. 

Warp puts you in the shoes of a scientific test subject imbued with 'warp' abilities. This allows you to move inside barrels, past barricades, across gaps and chasms, and inside your human opponents. Doing so grants the ability to literally blow them up from the inside like a meat-filled balloon. The queasy and weak-willed will not tolerate this game quite as much as the likes of say........everyone else. 

Both games took forever and a day to download, so needless to say I'm not quite far in either. The Dead Space 3 demo finally launched and your truly has taken a peek. Dear sweet cinnamon rolls, Visceral's kicking gamers in the nuts one last time with Isaac Clarke and the Necromorph horde. I mean this in good-will, of course. DS3 will be one hell of a ride. Cooperative play plus an upgrading workbench or as I called it, the "Asimov Armory". You know.....because Isaac Clarke's named after Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke? Whether the joke lands or not, 5 February will be a much anticipated launch. As will 12 February with Colonial Marines. I promise a review for both games shortly after I acquire them which will be immediately on both fronts. Depending on whether DS3 succeeds or fails, I will consider it the official start of 2013's year in video games. If not, then DMC takes it. 

Short post tonight, mes amis. 

By the way, I wonder.......what DO you do with a BA in English? 

Perhaps #77- Stare at jobs that you want, but can't dream of getting because you went for a BA in English. 

Jonesy signing off. 

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