I've done all of the above with the exception of beating the game which I should be able to do tomorrow. However, enough of the story/gameplay has crossed my eyes to give a fairly decent opinion of the game. As a fan of the series for quite a few years now, this much I can say: buy the game only if you're a huge fan of Gears of War. If you want to know how Baird and Cole got to where they were at the start of the series, this is your game. Even Marcus makes a cameo. Multiplayer's never been a huge focus of mine, but I can see where it comes into play for others. Plus, the first Gears comes packaged with the game as a digital download. Two games for one? Sure, I'm down.
I've only found minor issues with the game (texture popping, framerate lag), but all is easily solved by restarting the 360. Epic got a bit over-ambitious with the number of enemies that can appear on screen at once, so it's understandable why the game would lag from time to time. Honestly, I'm enjoying the game and really starting to relate more with Baird than previously.
That's all I have to say about that.
At the current moment, a second tab on my browser currently has the Fink Manufacturing mini-game for Bioshock: Infinite. Those who pre-ordered the game receive access to this series of industry-oriented games to unlock the story between The Founders and the Vox Populi as well as several in-game bonuses. The puzzles do get increasingly challenging, but hey, I just beat Tomb Raider, the queen of puzzle games. More details will arise as I get further into the unlockables. Be sure to drop back in a week from today for my full review and unboxing (hopefully) of the Ultimate Songbird Edition.
In other news, The Hobbit journeyed into stores today. If you haven't already seen the movie, go ahead and pick it up at your local retailer. I might venture upon it someday, but for now, my money's going toward Les Miserables next week. And then shortly after, DJANGO UNCHAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can tell how excited I am, right? I'm so damn close to owning all of Tarantino's films.
I'm off to more industrial revolution. Keep it real only on The Late Duck.
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