30 May 2012

Arrest Your Development

I definitely had one hell of an introverted up-bringing. How else have I missed out on numerous TV series? Most are either sleeping with the dodos or chalking up yet another season. Granted, I caught up on How I Met Your Mother, but damn.....that's all. 

I'm only on season four of The Big Bang Theory and the tail-end of Arrested Development's first season which aired back in 2003! Let's see, what was I doing back in '03? NOTHING! Probably watching CSI repeats. What have I not watched. Here's a list to discredit my opinion:

30 Rock
Parks and Recreation
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Most of Arrested Development
Dr. Who
Warehouse 13
Game of Thrones (and probably never will)
True Blood (again, probably never will)
The Last two seasons of The Big Bang Theory
And probably several others that I can't think of or aren't important enough

My pointless point is for an opinionated social media blogger, I've not a large amount of knowledge for quite a substantial field, yet attempt to fall somewhere on the same page as those who've nestled close to their TVs. 

Moving away from self-pity, I had the opportunity to view Men in Black III the previous evening. Welcome back, Mr. Smith. Please, please, please, keep up appearances. Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, and Tyler Perry really can't measure up to your skills. I mean, come on. Look at the three's last few films: a continuation upon a series regarding a cross-dressing detective, a failed comedy involving something about a thousand words, and another attempt at the cross-dressing, multiple-characters-played-by-the-same-actor scheme. Where have I seen that before? Oh, right. The Nutty Professor and Big Momma's House which, coincidentally, involve two of the aforementioned actors! What's the meaning? An homage to Greek theatre where men play women's roles? Taking the "drag queen" idea a bit too far? I pray for the first. That would, at least, make some shred of sense. 

Snow White and the Huntsman debuts Friday. I, for one, am completely thrilled for this rendition. Can Kristen Stewart wipe clean her slate and escape the woes of terrible writing? Honestly, I hope yes. Her acting in Adventureland, co-starring Jesse Eisenberg and Ryan Reynolds, was perfectly acceptable. While Snow White poses an entirely different role, she has the potential to move beyond sparkling vampires. Who knows? Maybe the Twilight curse will fade for all. Robert Pattinson surely has with his role in Water for Elephants. As for Taylor Lautner, give up, buddy. Abduction's action environment just isn't your style. 

Well, third storm for today's coming in full force. Lightning, thunder, the whole show. Texas weather never ceases to annoy/aggravate. I might just move to Siberia and freeze to death. Certainly out-performs roasting a slow, painful, agonizing, and undeserved demise. Damn you, meteorology and your warm weather patterns! I want snow in September. I want to be locked in and have to dig my way through snow just to get out of the house! 

What can you DO with a BA in English? #302- Hold a tea-party similar to the Mad Hatter's whilst reciting Lewis Carrol's brilliantly scribed jibberish. 

Au revoir, mes amis.....

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