27 May 2012


There seems to be a lack of frequency developing between posts. Could this mean my days as a blogger are short-lived? Perhaps my bustling social life prevents entries from appearing? Or, could reason lead me to believe I have better activities to consume time than maintaining a presence on the interwebs? Whatever the reason, this blog had the intention of daily rather than once-in-a-blue-moon as you've seen. 

Have you ever taken a look into the near future and seen only a bleak hope for success? That feeling came about earlier this week when I viewed the syllabus for a certain Classical literature course. Greek tragedies/philosophies, eight books, eight short essays, and one damned term paper over the course of a month. Indeed, 4 June-6 July cannot be done with fast enough. My mental faculties might as well surrender now to Plato, Aeschylus, Heroclitus, Epictetus, Epicurus, and.....oh, hell, you get the idea. Several Greek authors/philosophers will be invading my mind, en masse, without mercy and no quarter shall be given on their end. Why?

Because they've f*cking established their intellectual dominance via prominent outlooks on life, politics, education, and so on until Rapture. While I've always wanted to read works written by these individuals, I never thought the amount would out-weigh the time-frame. Two-three books in a week for a month. That's what I'm looking at. 

Be gentle, Euripides. My infant mind remains unworthy of absorbing such knowledge. 

With my plea for mercy complete, we'll go ahead and wrap things up for tonight while always remembering that crucial query what DO you do with a BA in English? Try out #7- Hold a discussion with your family, friends, co-workers, or total strangers over the terribly confounding knowledge of classical authors versus those of today while, at the same time, conduct a scientific/social/psychological experiment on who punches you in the face first in order for you to shut the hell up and get off the damn soap-box. 

Watch the result be your family. Post the results below. 

Until then, bookworms! Jonesy signing off. 

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